Hello to anyone who's Reading my introduction page
I'm 24 years old and I'm a full-time online marketer
I was always a marketer it's like it found me
I just got a trade school after high school and I got my pre-apprenticeship for electrical . So I needed to find a job and I went to the library one day and I was on Facebook,
Even if I wasn't supposed to be on Facebook I'm glad I was because one of my Friends on Facebook told me about a amazing company your products and services such as this one, The only thing I didn't have was money to start but I found away because I know that becoming a electrician was going to get me to where I wanted to go and I did not see myself in the future being an electrician for the rest of my life. So I went out there and I managed to get $125 bucks and I and join my first company, but still three years later I'm here still doing what others think I'm crazy for.
The one thing that I believe is never giving up on your dreams and passion. All the people who say I'm not going to make it I'm not going to be successful. That's the more reason for me to push harder, In order to master your craft you have to put in work and I put in more work than you did yesterday,
you still there ??
Did I loss you,some are surprise at my level of skill in this business and some people can be very condescending because I only been in this industry for 3 years now and my knowledge is why beyond great , I do believe the reason I can achieve more by leaps and bounds because I do everything from my heart , I believe God has show me my true destiny in life and even if someone tells me I can't do something I never give up and I prove them 1000 percent wrong..
The reason I got involved with this company is because I seen value in the products and if I can save people more money and show them how to make money at the same time, I would never have to sell my business opportunity, I'm all about the products my company provides and the comp plan is just a bonus.
If you read this and you want to continue reading go to auto pilot schools where I will explain to you in detail step-by-step instructions on how to set up your account and use those marketing tools!!
If you read this And don't like what I said you can leave now....